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Story about WarmHive 🐝 


As a software company, we engage in ambitious Research and Development projects.
We introduced the WarmHive,
a groundbreaking solution that lies at the intersection of technology, beekeeping, environmental preservation, and sustainability.


The worldwide honey bee population faces severe threats from various factors, with diseases and parasites, notably the Varroa Mite, being the primary menace.




Varroa mites endanger to honey bees population, with extensive implications for our food security, economy, and the fragile ecological equilibrium. Imagine a world without the gentle hum of bees, the diligent pollinators that sustain our crops, ecosystems,
and food sources.


 This is the stark reality we face today due to the destructive impact of Varroa mites, which have led to a decline in honeybee populations and placed global biodiversity in jeopardy. 

Bees have become more susceptible to diseases like Deformed Wing Virus and Acute Bee Paralysis Virus due to weakened immune system caused by Varroa infestations. Our solution integrates cutting-edge technology with environmentally-conscious beekeeping practices.
Currently, the most common method of managing Varroa infestations involves chemical treatments.
In contrast, the WarmHive treatment offers a chemical-free and practical approach to combat Varroa mites.

It operates on a thermotherapy-based system powered by solar energy, which includes a universal hive roof equipped with smart glass, solar panels, a heating system, ventilation system, and thermal sensors.

Notably, the thermotherapy approach can also help combat the viruses directly responsible for the diseases mentioned earlier.

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Contact with me!

Mateusz Misiuda
Business Development Manager

tel:+48 500 248 888

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